All things that Christmas was this year and much more! It sure was one to remember!
I woke the girls up at 7am to get the party started! Over the next hour they opened way too many gifts than they need from Santa, mommy, their dad and Grandma Debbie. It was SO much fun to watch them receive so many awesome things! Keagan in particular was so animated and excited! They sure were spoiled but they really did appreciate it all! Keagan's favorites were probably the Polaroid camera from their dad, American girl legos from mom, MC2 science kit from Santa and a snow cone machine from Grandma Debbie. Riley's favorites were a stuffed Sid the science kid and doodle board from Santa, Sid movies from mom and from dad, dinosaur feet slippers from mom, and headphones from dad that make her laugh! Both girls also love their orbeeze foot spas from Santa but mommy isn't a big fan of the mess they make. They even appreciated each little stocking stuffer and they were so excited to give me their gifts of drawings from Riley, a homemade earring holder Keagan made out of scrapbook paper and a darling purse that Nana helped them get!

After the presents were done we zipped over to Sa's house for our traditional Paka breakfast. It was yummy of course and something that we never skip!

Then it was onto church in our Christmas dresses! I loved that Christmas was on Sunday this year and that we got to celebrate by taking the sacrament and listening to the Angels that are the Klein Ward choir!

After church the girls had time to play with their gifts while I got the house ready for us to host Christmas dinner. And then it was back to Sa's house for the much awaited skype call with Hermana Foster from her mission in California. How wonderful it was to hear sweet Sami's voice and see her beautiful face. It was even better to hear how well she is doing! My favorite things she said was "my testimony has grown more then I ever thought possible" and "I'm really becoming who I was always supposed to be." That made my Christmas, and I can only pray for that for my girls! Lots of tears when we said goodbye but in only 6 months we get to hug her and welcome her home!

And then the Fosters and the Texas Ginn's came to our house for a really great Christmas dinner! We missed the French's who were home because Taryn has the flu and the Chicago Ginn's who we got to talk to on FaceTime. We had way too much food but it sure was delicious! Kari made a Yule log which I had never had before and Riley sat at the kid table and fed herself! We laughed and chatted and had a great time! The kids played around and had fun with those dumb Orbeez foot spas and we were all loud like always. We ended the night with the acting out of the nativity with our masks from last year. It was fun, loud and crazy, just how we love it and Keagan documented it all with her new Polaroid camera!

Even though it was a long, busy day it went by way too fast! It always does! But the good news is we created so many memories that we will hold dear forever and never forget! Not much more I can ask for on Christmas! We are SO incredibly blessed and that is presents enough!
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