Although I repeatedly remind the girls what the real meaning of Christmas is, The Kikuchi girls are also taking full advantage of all the fun things there is to do this time of year! I'm a firm believer that it is possible and even wonderful to mix the spiritual and the fun so we talk of Christ a ton and do our #lighttheworld service each day, AND we have some serious fun too!
On Saturday we went to a spectacular Christmas show and Second Baptist Church with Gamas! It's a mega church and it was a mega show called "Christmas Under the Big Top." The show was an incredible production of singing, dancing, live music and amazing circus performers! We all loved it! And we loved the huge train display in the lobby first. It was made even better by having Gramas with us! So much fun!

We also had so much fun on Monday when we went to the Polar Express in Palestine, Texas! It truly was such a magical night that was totally worth the 2.5 hour drive! We are SO thankful to the Monson's who actually bought our tickets so we could join them! What an incredible Christmas gift and service that was to us!! We went with a big group of friends which made it even more fun! It was the Monsons, Frenchs, Skidmores, Bakers, Blacks and Leckies plus Renee, Byron Sanford and Brower Nickle. Such a great group! It was so much like the movie. In our festive train car the chefs brought us cookies and hot coco. Then they read the story of Polar Express and the conductor came by to punch the kids golden tickets. We sang Christmas carols and there was lots of dancing in the aisles! We arrived at the North Pole to see Santa and his elves and then Santa boarded the train. He passed out beautiful bells to everyone and then there was lots more dancing! Keagan, Riley and their age girls definitely know how to party and had an absolute blast! We topped off the night with a pizza buffet and a fun ride back home because we had already done Bucees on the way there. As Keagan fell asleep she said "mom I had the time of my life tonight!" And it completely melted my heart!!

Yesterday the fun just continued! We had SO much fun at the Cooks gingerbread house making workshop! We are SO thankful to be a part of this fun tradition! The Fosters including Addie and her two friends joined us this year. Keagan and Riley sure made a one of a kind masterpiece with just about every piece of candy and icing they could fit on it! Sweet Tutu Johnson helped Riley and the three of them had a ball!
And we topped off the festivities with the French's annual Carroling, Cookies and Coco. We had a great time with them, the Blackhurst's, the Newmans and the Monson's. More people than usual opened their doors to our loud singing, the company was great and the cookies and coco delicious! SO fun!
Today we are just home doing chores and going to the grocery store. The girls are definitely looking at me like "where's the party?!" Even during Christmas we can't party EVERY day, much to their dismay. But I'm sure the fun will start up again soon because we are sure having a VERY Merry Christmas!
Oh what fun it is!
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