We've also enjoyed the colder weather! Riley loves wearing a coat and likes to keep it on even inside. Keags is not a big fan of wearing a coat. I even got scolded when I took her to the dentist on Thursday that she wasn't wearing one! Yeah to no cavalries, boo to no coat. But I love the picture of Riley working hard at therapy on Thursday in her coat of course!
Friday night Miss Taryn took the girls to their ward Christmas party while I went to my work party. The girls had a blast with all their friends from our old ward and my party was fun too.
Saturday was our ward Christmas party and it was the best ward party I've ever been to! The Relief Society was in charge of the decorations so we spent the afternoon at the church setting up. It looked gorgeous and Keagan and Riley were great helpers!

The party itself was fabulous! We got to see Santa and he looked a lot like Uncle Reid, even Keagan noticed. I told her she is SO lucky to have an uncle who is one of Santas special helpers. She loved that and told santa she wanted a computer, a lap top, a phone and 5,000 bucks!! Yowzers!!! Santa laughed and then asked mommy to sit on his lap! Riley would only give Santa a high five from a distance in Renee Jahnkes arms. One day she will love him!
After a yummy BBQ dinner the kids did the sweetest nativity. I'm not sure there is anything sweeter then a children's nativity! My babies looked SO precious as members of the Bethlehem choir!!

Then sleeping in our Bethlehem costume!
And then refusing to take it off all day Sunday! 
Today we made sugar cookies for Riley's class to decorate tomorrow. As part of our Christmas gift to all the girls teachers we offered our time and effort in whatever would be helpful. Riley's teachers picked making sugar cookies. It was fun but man it was a mess! And Elmer must have known we were going to bake today and wanted to be in our photos! 

But cleaning up that mess wasn't nearly as bad as the mess from yesterday. While I was busy in the house I thought Riley was playing in the playroom. I was just hoping for an easy Saturday morning... but then Riley found the butter!! She used a knife and spread it all over the counter, her face and her hair! As soon as I walked in the kitchen she started signing "sorry!" After she got out of the bathtub she refused to help me clean it up and put herself in time out instead! That girl! In the picture she is hiding her face in embarrassment!

Tis the season for craziness right?! And I guess all the craziness can't be good. Now bring on the last week of school and then Christmas break here we come!

Dancing with Mister Jaron at clean up!

Then sleeping in our Bethlehem costume!

But cleaning up that mess wasn't nearly as bad as the mess from yesterday. While I was busy in the house I thought Riley was playing in the playroom. I was just hoping for an easy Saturday morning... but then Riley found the butter!! She used a knife and spread it all over the counter, her face and her hair! As soon as I walked in the kitchen she started signing "sorry!" After she got out of the bathtub she refused to help me clean it up and put herself in time out instead! That girl! In the picture she is hiding her face in embarrassment!

Tis the season for craziness right?! And I guess all the craziness can't be good. Now bring on the last week of school and then Christmas break here we come!
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