This Riley girl of mine is still a happy, smiley girl a lot of the time but her little stinker side is also getting louder and more frequent. At certain times each day, Riley yells at me, kicks me, hits her sister, takes her sisters things, is messy and destructive, can be demanding, can be very whiney and man that girl can throw a tantrum!! Add in that she is starting the process of trying to go tinkle in the potty at school and we have quite a challenge on her hands that at times can be overwhelming. But this precious angel of mine is one beautiful disaster! My love just continues to grow and grow for her and her sister!
Gone are the days of a quite, passive little Riley! She comes from a long line of strong and stubborn women so I honestly am not surprised! But thank heavens she still oozes joy, has the best laugh in the world, gives the best cuddles, has the most amazing smile and is one smart little girl!!
All of these pictures are just since the new year!
Exhibit A

Exhibit B: Her outfit of choice on Saturday that she refused to take off...pajamas, a cape and the unicorn!

She even wore it in the car and to Sa's house!

Exhibit C: her stubborn face because she insisted upon sitting on top of me to watch her Netflix while only wearing her swimsuit when it was 30 degrees outside!

Exhibit D: wearing her goggles to school!

Exhibit E: ALWAYS refusing to look at the camera!

I sure love this little stinker! I guess tantrums and all.
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