I've been thankful to have a little bit of mommy time off lately and of course I chose to spend it with wonderful women who are no doubt on the A Team! When Riley was recovering from being so sick but not ready to go back to school just yet, we both spent an entire day on Miss Taryn's couch cuddling while Miss Taryn entertained and fed us! And I was privlidged to celebrate Allie Monson's birthday with a super fun GNO several weekends ago. And to rap up some unusual time off mommy duty, last weekend we had a great farewell dinner for my dear friend Nikki with fancy food and fine chocolate! All members of the A Team!

There is also no question that we are surrounded by the best of the best, the A Team if you will, at school and work! We all feel so much joy and support at Mahaffey! I am really thankful for the friendships I have developed with so many strong, funny, smart and faithful women there! And it's even better that a lot of our kids are friends!

We had a blast yesterday at a trampoline park for Memphis and Abby's birthday with more friends from school and moms standing around that should have held a staff meeting!

Look at my ninja warrior!

Look at Rileys face! Who wouldn't be happy to "run" holding hands with their besties?!

It has been said that you are who you keep company with and that you become your friends! Well looking around us on the daily I feel pretty encouraged that all three of us have a pretty good shot at this thing called life based on who is all around us! Most of them are members of the A Team!
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