This week we had a fantastic time dressing up for our school theme days! We laughed over the antics of Elmer our elf. We loved Riley's Christmas dance performance! We enjoyed the French's staying with us for two nights while they didn't have power. We received thoughtful gifts and had so much fun giving gifts! We ooohed over so many Christmas cards and sent out our own cards. We started the Santa Box which is the 12 days of Christmas that Sa does for the girls every year! We went to the brand new TCH in the Woodlands for the first time for Riley's physical medicine doctors appointment. We enjoyed fun performances and programs at school! We finally set up a new Christmas tree that Nana bought and it has both white and colored lights for all of us! We had a major blessing when the car dealership completely comped our service work on our car! We had the best Christmas parties at school full of games, making placemats for Meals on Wherls, reindeer food and ginger bread house making. Both girls did awesome art this week and Keagan begged to join Riley's class for the absolute sweetest caroling ever! And y'all, Riley did Karaoke!!
Seriously SO merry and blessed!

I can see why you take so many photos! They are all so cute and varied. Merry Christmas to you and Joan and the twins! Linda