They both rocked their 8 year well visit today with our beloved Dr Reed. We have a few concerns to follow up on including some hormone issues for Riley (add an endocrinologist to her long list of doctors) and Keagan's renal hypertension. But nothing big. And we confirmed they are both getting bigger which still makes me happy! That part must be a leftover from our incredibly small birth weights and our NICU days when we counted tenths of ounces! Miss Keagan weighed in at 48.2 pounds and is now 47.75 inches tall, so just barely under 4 feet! Miss Riley weighed in at 36.8 pounds and is now 41.75 inches tall! They have both so miraculously come such a long way!

And they both just continued to amaze me tonight! As a PTO fundraiser it was spirit night at Spring Creek BBQ. Of course the girls had been counting down to tonight and had a great time! Riley ate her weight and then some! It never ceases to amaze me how much that girl can eat! She must have a hollow leg! She literally sat and continually asked for more food as she smiled and waved at everybody for an hour and a half! Meanwhile her sister was pulling off her own dose of amazing. You could have thought this girl was student body president in charge of the evening. She stood and greeted everyone at the door with two different sets of teachers for quite some time. I could hear her saying "welcome!" And "enjoy your meal!" Then she convinced Mrs Sanford to let her help pass out the hot rolls with them and eventually completely took over the job! She spent almost 2 hours flittering all over the restaurant dosing out hugs and hellos! Two teachers ended up tweeting about her! And to top it off she had orchestrated completely on her own for both her and Riley to wear some aprons they have that were similar to the ones she knew the teachers would be wearing tonight. She knew the teachers were going to let all the kids sign their aprons so she even brought sharpies and ended up with a serious amount of autographs!
These girls both have spirit that's for sure! And I dont think it will ever cease to amaze me!

With the Kreneks and Kellys

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