Part of turning 8 for us is starting to go to Activity Day Girls. This is our church program for girls that is the equivalent of Cub Scouts. It is similar to Girl Scouts. They meet every other Tuesday for activities and work on requirements to earn their Faith in God awards.
Keags and Rys were SO excited to go to Activity Days for their 1st time tonight! They made a darling craft and fun snack. The craft was a glove with puppets on it to sing "Old McDonald had a Farm." The girls are to use this glove when they babysit one day! Babysit!! It's a cute group of girls who are all so sweet with Riley and Keags fit right in! This is going to be so fun!

Once we were home and getting ready for bed, a very tired Riley cried for 20 minutes straight until I figured out what she was so upset about! Apparently the girl is more then ready to be baptized on Saturday now that she passed her Bishops interview because she wanted to sleep in the white jumpsuit that she will be baptized in!! This crazy girl was thrilled that I gave in and let her sleep in that thick polyester one piece! Obviously she and her sister are more then ready to be EIGHT! I don't think Momma's ready!

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