I LOVE how helpful my sweet girls can be! Keagan is amazing and is an awesome cleaner upper/organizer! That is such a blessing in my life!

Riley got the barfies last week at school! It was SO sad! She missed two days of school and got lots of sleep and snuggles! This is when she fell asleep on me in the noisy hallway at school waiting for Keags!

This past weekend was the absolute BEST!!!! It was General Conference Weekend which means twice on Saturday and twice on Sunday we got to hear amazing and inspired talks from our modern day prophet and apostles! Oh I loved it! I watched Saturday morning while the girls played nicely, we watched Saturday afternoon at the French's while all the kids colored and did great, and then Sunday at home I did the girls usual conference activity binders and started two new games. One was a bingo game where the girls had to listen for certain words and subjects to fill their boards and earn bingo prizes. And the other was cups full of different treats with subjects/words attached like Jesus, family, scriptures, love, etc. Each time the girls heard that word they could have one of those gummy bears, m&ms, dum dum, etc. It worked great and we truly had an amazing weekend so full of the spirit and inspiration!!

After conference on Saturday we had a hilarious night at the French's with Addie! I'm so thankful for these people I adore and who love us crazy Kikuchi girls for exactly who we are!

Last night we finall got all of our Halloween decor up which makes both girls very happy! Right when we were done we got a knock on the door and the Young Men and Young Women of our Ward had left us the sweetest surprise! A plate full of goodies, a bucket full of little prizes for the girls, and a handful of sweet notes! It made us all so happy!

There was so much more Im sure I'm leaving out, but that's the best I got for this blog today. As you can see, even in bullet points we are so blessed! Busy, but blessed! Not sure I would have it any other way!
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