On Friday Mrs Brown filmed while Mrs Merillat tested Riley on the 5 sight words they had been working on...a, this, is, home and my. They laid the 5 words in front of Riley and Mrs Merillat asked Riley to hand her a certain word. This momma was brought to tears each time I watched the video of Riley getting them ALL correct!! All of them!

My baby can read! And that is possible because of the Good Lord + amazing teachers + an incredible little girl! I am SO proud of her and SO thankful for all the amazing women who teach and love her!! I mean look at the face of Mrs Merillat in this photo as she is showing Riley to make homemade ice cream! They love her! We are SO blessed!

And there are more darling ice cream pictures with her besties Noah and Laine!

And of course Keags is doing great things at school as well! I got photos of her reading to a kindergartener, collaborating on a Google project and on a hunt for non-fiction books! Seriously all great things!

She is working so hard with school and tries to not get discouraged despite getting good grades. Reading just requires a little more effort for my Keags so I have been trying to figure out how I could afford for her to go to her summer reading tutor. But we have received another gigantic blessing and Mrs Potvin is going to be working at Mahaffey to help those just on the cusp of needing a little extra reading support. Keagan has been assigned to one of her groups starting Monday! Such a blessing! That list of reasons we are glad to be plaid just keeps getting longer! And add two straight A report cards to that list!! So proud of both my babies!!

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