We stayed at the Frenchs way too late most nights helping them unpack and/or just chillin in their great new house. We have had slow mornings watching Netflix and cuddling. And half the days we didn't even get fully dressed! I'm not even sure either girl wore a bow this week! Gasp!
I let Keagan move a ridiculous amount of American Girl stuff into the living room so she can be by us and still play dolls. She is thrilled about this! Let's see how long I can stand it all being there.
This week we got lots of chores done and both girls attended Lexi Williams darling carnival birthday party and had a blast!
Keagan lost another tooth this week as well. She had to wait two nights for the tooth fairy to come because it turns out she doesn't come if the house is messy or you go to bed too late!
We went to see "Finding Dory" with the Frenchs, Fosters and friends one day. Great show made better by the AMC recliner seats! Riley is still pretty high maintenance in a movie but we make it work. Of course our American Girl dolls had to join us and Keagan even packed the dolls their own popcorns and drinks! Too cute! And oh wait I guess they wore bows this day. 

The down side to being lazy is when my kids get bored the whining and fighting kicks up a notch or two. They had a dozey of a fight one day where they both hit each other as hard as they could! That really didn't end well for them! Hopefully we dont see any more of that! Time out was just one consequence.
Today Kellie watched the girls while I had a kid free trip to the grocery store! Hallelujah! While I was slowly perusing the aisles with only my own thoughts to worry about, Kellie was painting with Keags and Rys! At the end of the madness, in her attempt to clean the paint off Riley, both girls ended up splashing and laughing so hard it was hard to breathe in Sa's sink! It was the cutest thing to walk into! And a little surprising that both my big 7 year olds still fit in the kitchen sink. But just like I told Keagan tonight, they will always be my babies! My babies that I love to be lazy with in the summer!
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