Every morning this week Keags has been doing a mini camp at the amazing Miss Evans house to get ready for 2nd grade! Oh we seriously love her!
We had a play date with cute Izzy Monson and made slime and soap clouds! I totally counted it as our science experiment day and was so happy when it was cleaned up!
We had a fun night out with the Fosters and the Frenchs eating at MOD Pizza and then watching our ice cream get frozen right in front of us at Sub Zero. PS Keagan is currently obsessed with that scarf and Riley is currently obsessed with watching Barney on Netflix!
The girls started their swim lessons at FINS this week! They go every Tuesday and Thursday late afternoon and I'm really proud of the progress they have already made. Keagan is in a "white fin" class with two other kids and I think she's doing so well because she is very, shall we say, "peer motivated." Riley is considered a "Nemo" in their special needs program and has the absolute sweetest instructor in Coach Cody!
One night we had a yummy make your own pizza night at the Frenchs!
We have baked the tiniest of tiny treats. Hopefully the Easy Bake Oven is going to turn these girls into better bakers then their mama!
All summer Keagan has also gone once a week to the incredible Mrs Potvin's house. Keags is uber smart but she needs a little extra help with reading and Mrs Potvin is a fantastic reading tutor! Riley obviously still goes to therapy once a week and works very hard! While Riley was at therapy this week Keagan got to go to a darling spa birthday party for cute Kennedy Skidmore! 

We redecorated the powder room bathroom and finally took down the art work from preschool that was hanging on the play room wall and put up some of our art from this summer!
We pranked the Frenchs with Addie by putting the Myers family's mannequin in their kitchen while they were at church Wednesday night! Then we hid with Addie in Miss Taryn's room for an hour and a half waiting for them to come home and scream!
We had a super fun afternoon with the delightful McArthur family bowling for almost free! In two games Riley got two strikes, Keagan got 3 strikes, everyone was totally happy and Keags was super helpful.
And today we went to the Holy Grail of all birthday parties, Chuckie Cheese! Yep! Chuckie Cheese on a Saturday! It was worth it for sweet Sofia's birthday and for all the fun the girls had!

So after all that can we please just sleep for the next week?! Sure would be nice but there is more fun to be had and memories to make! So we will still be here, there and everywhere Im sure.
One day I will get a nap! One day.
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