Camp Buckaroo is...put on by Easter Seals for special needs kids and their siblings.
Camp Buckaroo is...full of amazing people like Miss Lindsey who Keagan calls "the boss", fun friends like Noah, Raina, Jo Jo and lots of others we wished we saw more then once a year, and the most incredible volunteer buddies ever! Keagan's buddy was the amazing Brooklyn again this year and Riley was lucky to get the awesome Megan.
Camp Buckaroo is... A week we will talk about and miss until camp next summer!
Camp Buckaroo is... Where they have themes everyday and pack in SO much fun stuff! Each day has evergizers, story time, games, a craft, visitors, lunch and snacks, stories, dancing and much more. Monday was friendship day with therapy dogs who visited. Tuesday was Music Day with two different musicians/music therapists. Wednesday was Olympics day with kick ball and minute to win it games. Thursday was Into the Wild day with "the snake guy" in the morning and "alligator encounters" in the afternoon. And Friday was carnival day with Muffy the Clown! 

Camp Buckaroo is...where my girls grow! They were both so courageous this week! Riley actually kept her eyes open and touched all the animals and she wasn't afraid of the clown! And seriously Keagan put a boa constrictor around her shoulders!! That's not to mention that every day at pick up both girls were on stage doing all the camp dances!
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