Today was Riley's last ARD at Brill. That means it was the last time I got to sit around with all the members of Team Riley there and talk about how amazing she is! That's seriously what we did. And then we set her goals for next year.
We also cried! Because this is the end of two incredible years working with some incredible people! It was really just Principle Hernandez, Miss McGown and I that cried. Now those are two women whom I adore and respect so much!
When I texted Miss McGown afterwards that I got in my car and cried some more, she was so sweet and amazing as always! And when I posted that I cried some more to Miss Hernandez on Facebook, her sweet response was... "You and Riley have touched my heart like no other parent and child have in 17 years of education. I love you two dearly! It's not over. It's a new chapter!"
I couldn't have said it better myself!
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