
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Preschool Rocks!

Keagan had her last preschool program today at John Wesley! It was so stinkin cute I could barely stand it! It was a "Spacin' Out" theme and Keagan was thrilled with her new t-shirt and glow stick necklace! And now I know why I have been hearing about poor Pluto not being a planet anymore for weeks!

Keagans cute moves and loud voice just couldn't be any cuter! They ALL couldn't! Miss Keags did an amazing job playing the xylophone on "Twinkle, Twinkle" and was so cute shaking her hips and her maracas for the Dinosaurs class song "M.A.R.S mars!"

It was obvious they all worked very hard and it showed! We will definitely miss these great people and wonderful school next year! Seriously what will we do without John Wesley? I'm not really sure I'm ready to find out!

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