Riley stayed home from school because she had an orthotics appointment. So after I brought her home from her morning therapy we picked up Keags and headed to Subway. Then it was time for her appointment and HOPE Orthotics just happens to have the best waiting room of any doctors office I've ever seen! And we've seen a lot! They even begged to play in it after the appointment!

Keagan was so sweet with her sister and at several points was pulling and pushing her around the play structure as Riley laughed!

Unfortunately the appointment itself wasn't as fun. Turns out my suspicions are true and Riley's left leg is 1.6 centimeters longer then her right leg. That is what's causing her to hyperextended her right knee. Not only does she need new braces but she needs a lift built onto the bottom of her shoe. That means she is supposed to wear the same shoes everyday from sun up to sun down. For some reason that really hurts my heart for her! Really hurts.

So I cheered us all up with a trip to the mall to see the animals in the pet store, ride the carousel and enjoy the weather by eating ice cream outside! It was great!! And totally did the trick!

That was just what the doctor ordered! And I guess today that would be an Orthopedic doctor.
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Shelby had a similar problem with leg length. The solution recommended to us and what we ended up doing was to put a staple in her growth plate of the longer leg. This slowed the growth and allowed the other leg to 'catch up'. It worked. She no longer needs any orthotics on her feet/legs. Of course I don't know Riley's exact situation so maybe that would not be a good or possible option for her. It did require 2 surgeries, one to put in the staple and one to take it out. It was the first thing I thought of when I read this post and thought I would just mention it. Let me know if you have any questions we would be glad to answer what we can.