She had to go under full anesthesia to have dental work done by Dr Carter at Texas Children's today. We had a check in time of 6am which means we woke up at 4:30. Yikes! She was super brave and didn't even cry when the anesthesiologist and her nurse wheeled her away in the wagon! I sure wish I was that brave!!

She ended up having 2 cavities filled and three caps put on. Dr Carter said it is very common for medically fragile kids to have dental issues. Mostly because all her medicines, including her inhalers, have sugar in them. It only took about an hour and then Miss Riley needed about an hour in recovery. She doesn't come out of anesthetia well. She gets really mad and really vocal about it! I think part of it is that she's mad that I let them do that to her! Either way I absolutely hate seeing my baby like that! I so wish I never had to again. The good thing is she is home and sleeping great now!

Just to add to the stress, Keags was supposed to sleep at Sa's house but poor Addie has strep throat! We don't do sleepovers with anyone except family. So, good thing the Frenchs are adopted family and Keags slept there! Keagan and Reagan actually fell asleep holding hands! How darling is that?!

Just looking at this picture makes me tired! Hopefully I get a nap today!
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