The celebration was really a great one. Not very many people can say they've been serenaded by 4 darling Vietnamese women and an entire nail salon! That's a rare group that I'm lucky to be a part of.
This birthday was one of the bests I've had in a long time. I unfortunately think it was a result of pity because I had such a rotten Mothers Day. And I'm not one for pity. But at this point I guess I'll resign myself to it because it resulted in a great day.
Everyones efforts to help make my day special really meant so much to me! Nana went all out. Her and Kirk decorated the kitchen like I was 8 and was having a birthday party. So cute! She had taken Keagan shopping and had several cute gifts which both girls were ecstatic to give me! Then she let me sleep in til 8 and picked up the girls from school! Sa was awesome too. She took Riley to therapy and both girls to school. Plus she set up an incredible massage appointment that I thoroughly enjoyed! Mentioning I enjoyed a massage almost seems redundant. After a delicious Chinese lunch, Taryn and I had good laughs while she treated me to pedicures. That's when the previously mentioned serenading went down. Special! Also several friends thought of me enough to send or drop by a little something. And as cheesy as it is, you really can't under estimate around 150 people taking the opportunity to wish you a happy birthday on Facebook!
We ended the day with a casual pizza party at home with none other than a heavenly buttercream cake, the Frenchs and the Dibbles. We laughed till our stomachs hurt and I went to sleep early feeling loved and pampered. Is there a better combination? There couldn't have been for this girl on this birthday! Happy 34!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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