Since we have been home from Chicago, Miss Riley hasn't been sleeping well. I think she just loved being in the same room with Keags and I. My snoring must sound like a lullaby that lulls her to sleep. The last week it got to the point that she was waking up three to five times a night, crying and wanting me to get her out of bed. I could have sworn I don't have a newborn, but it sure felt like it! I do usually adore to be on the receiving end of cuddles from my babies. But not so much at 3am! There was also the good quality family time when all three of us ended up in my bed. Its a queen size. Inevitably Riley would kick Keagan and Miss Keags is a bear to wake up. She would respond as expected with dramatic tears and a good old fashioned strong squeeze of Riley's arm or leg. That would then set off the tears for Riley. Good times! And I didn't even mention the fact that its amazing that I could balance on the small sliver of the edge I had to sleep on! I know you're supper jealous.
Well I reached my breaking point this week. Its just that this is one momma who seriously needs her sleep!
I reluctantly decided to let my baby cry it out again, to get back to being my good sleeper. I just really missed her 7 pm to 6ish am snooze. It was absolute torture the first time I went through the whole cry it out method! And even though this is probably the fourth time we've been down this road, it's still torture! It's purely horrendous to listen to your baby cry half the night. But I knew it would pay off for both of us with much better and much neded sleep, so it was worth it. I really wish I could correctly apply the same principle to exercise!
Wednesday night was the night. I let Riley pick out her favorite jammies and then we had a little chat. I explained mommy loves her but I wasn't coming back in her room till morning and that she needed to sleep all night long in her own bed with no crying. When she quickly shook her head "no" I knew I was in for a doozy!
It was a long night. She first started crying for me a mere half hour after she fell asleep. By 2:30 she was sitting up straight in her crib staring down the camera above her bed just screaming her guts out. The girl was more then a little mad! And I laid in bed heart broken. She would then pick up one of her three stuffed animals, Mr Ray, piggie or Dora and throw it against the end of the crib! Again I mention, it was a LONG night! And the poor thing had puffy swollen eyes the next morning as a testament to that! I'm pretty sure my eyes matched.
Thursday night she only had a quick whimper and whine several times. And last night my rock star sleeper was back! 7:30 to 7! And now we are back on track. Im SO thankful! My only question is why I didn't do this earlier. That was my question the very first time I took this step.
Now it's probably time to kick her sister out of my bed too! Keagan ends up there every night. Unfortunately the cry it out method definitely wouldn't work on her. But, the thing she's got going for her is that she is easy to sleep with and I barely realize she's there. Except for the random crazy sleep talking, or shall we say sleep bossing. And then there is the times when she wakes me up because I'm snoring! Hey that's not very nice! I thought they sounded like lullabies!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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