Riley had her 6 month Cardiology visit at TCH on Tuesday. Thankfully all of her test results show that her heart is functioning great. It has been for a while now, but I still hold my breath because I so clearly remember when her little heart was really not doin well. I'm so grateful that we have come so far, but....Man I wish there wasn't a but...
Her blood pressure is really high. On one hand Dr Jeewa is excited her heart can actually produce a pressure of 132/90. But that number is really not a good sign. We know its not due to heart function, so next they suspect a problem with the kidneys or the thyroid. This idea was a hard pill for me to swallow. Really? Does the girl really need another organ that isn't falling in line and just doing what it's supposed to?! And does the girl really need to see another specialist? Have all new kinds of tests, pokes and prods? Uggggg!
This all comes at a time when I was just feeling like I had a handle on everything! I was just noticing how things have been fairly calm, all Riley's doctors were happy with what they were seeing, and I felt like we were doing everything we can. But for some reason Riley's little body likes to keep things exciting. Oh how I long for boring! Boring would be grand!
That was on Tuesday. On Wednesday Miss Benanti mentioned that Rileys diapers have been really dry lately, and yesterday Riley gave me quite a scare! She woke up yesterday morning with a bone dry diaper. That was just a little alarming, but I brushed it off. By 10 when we were headed out the door and there was still no tinkle...this momma became alarmed. Then Riley didn't want much lunch which was another red flag so I got her to drink as much Gatorade and water as I possibly could and tried to push my worries away.
When I put an overly exhausted little girl to bed, she only had a tiny amount in her diaper, and the worrying kicked into high gear. Researching your worries on the Internet can be such a tricky thing, and the results of "low urine output" are extremely disheartening to say the last! After doing laundry to get ready for a hospital trip and packing an ER visit bag, I tried going to sleep at midnight but instead I laid and watched my babies sleep and prayed for tinkle! That's a new prayer!
This morning after initially waking up with a small amount in her diaper, the girl pulled open the flood gates just a little. I have never been so thankful to feel the warmth of tinkle through a diaper as I hold one of my babies before! We all did a little happy dance!
Thankfully, that means the ER is averted for today but we've still got some things to look at. Hopefully this week we will have a kidney ultrasound and a bunch of blood work done to see if we can find any answers. Until then there is a whole new meaning to the pee pee dance! And hopefully we will be doing that and having boring days alot more around here!
Hi Emily, I stopped by her since Vanessa nominated you for the lovely blogger award and I was the original one to give her the award. I'm so sorry your daughter's experiencing the complications she is. I'm glad you didn't have to go the ER route at least. We have a special needs son too so I know what it's like to rejoice over a hospital-free day. If you're interested, I'd love if you added your blog to our special-needs index at http://boynamedsilas.blogspot.com/p/start-linkytools-script-srchttpwww.html. Hope to see you around the blogosphere!