Every year the Ginn's all try to get together for Thankgiving, but unfortunately this year it isn't going to work out. So that is why it was extra spectacular that the Chicago Ginn's decided just earlier this week that they wanted to be a part of the clean up effort for hurricane Harvey and bought tickets to town! Of course we terribly missed our beloved Sami who is back in Idaho at school! But the Chicago Ginn's visit and the opportunity to not only spend time together but to work and serve together was truly something special. And the serious laughter this weekend was just the delicious icing on top!
Vicki, Kate and Tess got here Friday afternoon so my girls could not get home from school fast enough! Immediately once my girls were reunited with Tess they disappeared to play and that was the beginning of not seeing them a whole lot this weekend. And of course Campbell joined the bunch as soon as possible so the little girls were all back together having a ball! We all met for dinner at Olive Garden to chat around food like we do best. The kid table was sure rowdy so I was happy to be with the adults! Then Campbell, Addie and obviously the Chicago Ginn's with Tyler and Maya getting in late stayed with us. The 4 little girls sleeping on the floor in the playroom was precious!
Sarurday was the focus and highlight of the trip. It was time to get to work serving others who were not as lucky as we were in being spared from hurricane Harvey's wrath. Todd, Lisa, Addie, Tyler, Vicki, Maya, Kate, Kirk, Kari, Evan, Kennedy, and Kari's sweet nephew Carson from Cali all sported those yellow Mormon Helping Hands shirts and headed to a sweet woman's house in the city. Mrs Mary was flooded 2 feet throughout her whole house and needed it all mucked out. They all worked SUPER hard and I am SO proud of those teenagers for truly giving of themselves. Meanwhile I was at home and in charge of what became the glow stick crew. They had serious fun playing and then were very happy to bring lunch to a work crew from our Stake and then our family work crew who had definitely earned a good lunch!
After a lot of hard work and lunch we said goodbye to Mary and headed to a woman's trailor in Sa and Todds ward. The flood waters didn't get inside her trailor but soaked all of the insulation that was underneath the trailor so it all needed to be cut and pulled out. That was seriously tough work in a filthy confined space and the Ginn family rocked it! I was seriously proud! They also worked very hard and pulled up flooring and cabinets in her 5th wheel but I took the little girls and left early to deliver some Home Depot gift cards sweet Tess had received from neighbors in Chicago at her lemonade stand for hurricane Harvey relief! We delivered some to the incredible Willis family whom we love and they cried they were so thankful. So that was a great experience for the little girls to see while the others were all still working their hineys off! 
After everyone showered and cleaned up we met at our house for our typical Tex Mex dinner of fajitas from Lupe. As we waited for Tyler and Vicki to pick up the food we played Kirks typical question game and the teenagers played spoons, such classics! Dinner was loud and full of conversation, laughter and good food otherwise known as the perfect combo. After dinner we all sat for hours in the family room laughing til our stomachs hurt. Mostly everyone laughed at me doing stupid human tricks, the Indian leg wrestling, chicken fighting, and arm wrestling battles that were spontaneously sparked. The highlights were me teaching Kate how to gurgle like I've done since I was her age (I was SO proud), Kirk and Tyler leg wrestling, the one liners from so many of us cause we are a seriously funny bunch, and my windmill arms that had everyone in stitches. The love and laughter in that room was priceless after a long day serving shoulder to shoulder. I have no doubt Pakka was there and completely thrilled about it all! I really didn't want it to end! But the night did end with me watching half of Pitch Perfect 2 for the first time with Vicki, Kate and Addie and with Keagan and Tess leaving Kate and Addie a very special gift on their pillows! I about died when I saw it was just the heads of all our barbies! See? We seriously are a crazy but absolutely hilarious bunch!
After some sleep walking in the night by both Keagan and Kate, sweet Vicki and Tyler gave me my very favorite gift EVER- they let me sleep in! I didn't even realize it and was amazed at 9am when Keagan woke me up! Tyler made breakfast and we created that perfect combo again (conversation, laughter and good food) until unfortunately the Chicago Ginn's had to go home. Saying goodbye is never easy but me giving Tyler a kiss on the cheek and totally freaking him out made me not as sad, especially about Keagan and Tess who are such special cousins saying goodbye! 
After the house was quiet again Mrs Riley feasted and just wanted to sit in her high chair for literally hours! She refused to get out because she was probably so busy playing all weekend that she didn't eat and sleep nearly as much as she should have. Keagan and I immediately missed all the fun but got the house put back together and everything ready for the busy week ahead.
I can't remember a better weekend then this one then I have had in years! What a blessing it is to be a member of this family who works and laughs together! We are totally dysfunctional, totally have our drama, and are all totally different. But in the end we love eachother good and what more can we ask for? The first thing that comes to mind would be more weekends like this one and ones that include Sami so we are ALL together! I think that would top the list of all these weekend warriors!
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