
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Keagan and Riley, You are Loved!

I needed this message and this entire amazing talk last Saturday so maybe one day my girls may need it too. Keagan and Riley I pray with all I have in me that you come to know this to be true! 

"Dear sisters, why should you surrender your happiness to someone, or a group of someones, who cares very little about you or your happiness?

If you find yourself worrying about what other people say about you, may I suggest this antidote: remember who you are. Remember that you are of the royal house of the kingdom of God, daughters of Heavenly Parents, who reign throughout the universe.

You have the spiritual DNA of God. You have unique gifts that originated in your spiritual creation and that were developed during the vast span of your premortal life. You are the child of our merciful and everlasting Father in Heaven, the Lord of Hosts, the One who created the universe, spread the spinning stars across the vast expanse of space, and placed the planets in their appointed orbits.

You are in His hands.

Very good hands.

Loving hands.

Caring hands.

And nothing anyone ever says about you can change that. 

Their words are meaningless compared to what God has said about you.

You are His precious child.

He loves you."

Dieter F Uchtdorf, “Three Sister’s” General Women’s Broadcast, September 2017


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