Riley has been doing speech, physical and occupational therapy since she was 10 months old! That means we have had 8 years of weekly appointments that are exhausting for both of us. She has had MANY different therapists over the years and some have been better then others. Being in therapy weekly has done AMAZING things for my sweet, hard working girl. So I obviously love the progress she makes because of it and I really love her current therapists of Miss Wiltse and Miss Leslie. But man is it exhausting and hard to keep up with right now for both Riley and I. I hate that part. Burnout is real! But continuing to go is what is best for her, so that is what we will continue to do. We both just may not always love it.
I have a love/hate relationship for 3rd grade for different reasons. From 2nd to 3rd grade has been a big jump with a lot more homework and we will face the big, ugly STARR test this year. Keagan and I have had a couple nights of doing homework together that didn't go so great with some pouting and sassiness. We got thru it all but unfortunately forgot to fill out her reading log last week and she missed the Friday homework party. When she shed a couple of tears and needed lots of hugs after school it was clear she learned a good lesson on that one!
But the real reason part of me hates 3rd grade is because it means my babies are SO stinkin old! Like really old! I even taught Keagan to shower on her own recently for heaven sakes! I have tried grounding them from getting any older but they just aren't listening to me for some reason. But the good news is they really have incredible teachers, cute classes and amazing opportunities again this year. So if I'm being honest, the love definitely out weighs the hate on this one.
Mrs Merrbach is doing great with Keagan's dyslexia intervention program every morning before school. And she sends weekly detailed emails and posts tons of pictures on DOJO which you know is the way to my heart! Both Keagan and I absolutely love her! She even recently sent me an email about how happy she is to have Keagan in her class because she is a great leader and has a heart of gold! Keagan also has great 3rd grade classmates including her bestie Avery, so there is a lot to love there!
As for Riley, this blog is full of reasons we love Mrs Merillat, Mrs Brown and Mrs Akers who love and push her every day. Thank heavens she still has them all for 3rd grade! One of my new favorite reasons to love them was the cute fireman role play they did last week to celebrate first responders day using squirt guns to put out "the fire" and then enjoyed popsicles afterwards of course. Even better then that is the legitimate academic work that Riley brings home every single day showing how much they are teaching and pushing my baby! I am SO thankful for that!! Thankful enough that I was more then happy to spend last Monday night at a Klein ISD school board meeting with both girls and our friends where Mrs Merillat was being honored for the incredible teacher that she is! I don't know anyone who deserves the recognition more! 
And really there is SO much more to love in our lives right now!! We honestly don't hate much!
I love the school wide art project that the amazing Mrs Thompson does at the beginning of each year that both girls had a hand in.
I love two incredible examples as strong women who love my kids and make them both want to be principals when they grow up, Mrs Petross and Mrs Hernandez.
I loved the awesome General Women's meeting last night where I was totally inspired by President Uchtdorf one again!
I love that Riley LOVES to the dishes now, especially at Sa's house! She's such a cute little helper!
I love a fun birthday party with another set of sweet twins. Keagan was super brave on the rope swing and Riley was super terrified of the dolphin mascot.
I love that Keagan brought home her library book that was a book I read so much out of when I was a kid! And that she is enjoying us reading together a lot more!
And the list could go on and on. I definitely hate the two migraines I had last week, but I love the fun impromptu Sunday we had hanging out with Kellie and visiting the Ginn's together today. And the long list of loves also includes that we had a fun dinner at the Ginns to celebrate Kirks birthday recently, and that I've lost 15 pounds! And I absolutely LOVE my new mini van that I have wanted for years and finally got a GREAT deal on! It's a gorgeous Honda Odyssey that both girls love too! I have wanted sliding doors and a lower frame for years which will help Riley be more independent getting in the car. Along with the new car comes Keagan not sitting in a booster seat any longer. See now we're back to them getting much too old! Yes I hate that but there is so much more I love!
I sure love these girls and the beautiful life we live together! Just minus a few hates, that's all.
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