Bright and early it was the last day of volleyball camp for Keags and Rys, but more about that on a later post. Avery Lake came home with us from camp and I took three excited little girls to see Despicable Me 3 on opening day! We loaded up on snacks and loved the movie!
After the movie, the girls had even more fun playing at our house together! And then tonight it was Riley's turn to see her school friends! She has been SO excited to go to a pool party at Alessandro's house with Noah and Lane! It was a really great night with some really great families! Thankfully I love all these mommas and Alessandro's sister is also Keagans friend! It works out so great! And of course we love the other two sisters, Phoebe and Hollis too! The kids played hard, the parents chatted and there were no strange looks at any of our special kids quirks! It was great!
Some amazingly strong siblings!

And all of this fun is par for the course this summer! We've been busy making memories in all of June, not just today! More later on the last two weeks of camp, but we've squeezed in a lot more including some laziness of course!
Fathers Day was a little rough for me but it was definitely sweetened by a rare Sunday nap with my Riley!
We jumped on the band wagon of 2017 and made slime as is the current trend!
We had Campbell over one day and ended up at the trampoline park for some serious fun! Why yes, yes Riley is in her Cinderella costume!
Keags had her lemonade stand going and also worked hard earning her money to buy a new lego set. The Joker mobile was built before I knew it. She really is amazing'
Both girls had a fantastic time feeling pampered and loved as Reagan and her friend Elise did their make up and hair and took pictures of them in several outfits for a personal progress project on photography! The teenage girls were seriously SO cute with my little girls who felt so special!
And not so much fun per say, but we've also knocked out a whole bunch of appointments! Therapy, make up therapy, the eye doctor for Riley, 3 doctors appointments for me and both girls at the dentist! At least the two little Kikuchi girls are lookin good! Thank heavens for no cavities and no need for glasses!
Riley HATES the dentist like her momma!
Summer has really been good to us so far! So much fun stuff! Tonight I realized I must be doing something right when I saw this...
Keagan brought home a Coke for me from the pool party and attached a note! She knows the way to my heart for sure! Seriously SO sweet I had to document it! That goes along with her saying last night that the way she would describe me is "sweet and kind." Not sure that's always true but I sure appreciate it from my baby who doesn't just freely compliment me! And the other day in the car she said Riley was SO lucky that she doesnt have to go away to college and leave mommy! So maybe I'm doing something right this summer because I think all that means she loves me!
I sure love them both and love having a job with summers off to be with them! Now let's see what fun we can have in July!
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