Today was my favorite Sunday of the year! The Primary Program means all the children take over for the best sacrament meeting ever. Sweet kids, full of innocent faith, singing and testifying of the gospel! The best!
I just cherished being able to watch my sweet girls up there! Riley was a little bit all over the place and of course she smiled and waved. And Keags sang every word. I loved all the songs especially "Gethsemane" and Keagan and Riley were the last two kids to say their parts before the Bishop spoke. They each bore their testimony of the scriptures! Keagan said perfectly in the microphone "I love to read the Book of Mormon. It teaches me about Jesus Christ and how to return to Heavenly Father. I know that the Book of Mormon is true." For her part, Riley stood at the microphone with a big smile while her sweet teacher Sister Nickle (who Keagan called Sister Quarter) read her part saying ""I'm so thankful for the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. I know they are true. Im so happy that the scriptures will help me get back to my Heavenly Father to live with my family forever."
I loved every second of the sweet meeting and only cried for half of it! 

I love those pictures and how they show how each girl insists on taking a bag to church each week like mom even if there is nothing relevant in it! And I absolutely love these pictures that Gramas took in primary! Totally priceless! 

Yesterday all the kids had a practice for today and don't tell anyone but I totally broke the rules and videoed the girls saying their parts! Shhh!
When we were getting ready this morning for church Keagan insisted on blow drying both Riley's hair and her own hair! I'm not sure when she turned into a teenager!
She was incredibly sweet and helpful this past week! Last night we went to her classmates baptism and when I went upstairs to get dressed, Keags completely picked out an outfit for her and for Riley and got them both dressed! I was amazed! Riley even had her purple tutu on underneath her dress!
The baptism was beautiful and then the three of us went for cheap Mexican food. At one point during dinner Keagan was laughing so hard at me she thought she was going to pee her pants! That was definitely priceless! Meanwhile Miss Riley hit a new low on being willing to eat anything and making a huge mess of it! She insisted on dipping her plain ice cream cone in her refried beans! Yep, she ate the whole thing!
After dinner we had an impromptu party to attend at Bahama Bucks with the Riesbergers! Sweet Sam called Keagan his best friend during a rousing game of checkers!
See? All priceless moments this weekend that make my life so rich! Here is a few more...
Keags had so much fun learning how to build a robot in Makerspace with Mrs Kelley on Friday that she was dying to get home and show Riley!
Riley was SO proud that she got a 100 on her test! And momma is SO happy that she is getting such a great education with teachers that believe in her and push her!
Jump roping with both girls tonight before bed and watching Keags figure out new things was definitely priceless!
And I can't leave out watching the BYU game with my Keags as she is just learning the game of football and had a million questions before she fell asleep. Would have been better if we won!
And nothing makes me feel more rich then serious cuddle time and chats with my girls!! So thankful for quality time doing that this weekend!
I'm thinkin the Lord knew I needed a weekend like this with nothing out of the ordinary except reminders of all that is priceless that surrounds me! I have the two most incredible daughters who I've built a beautiful life with, family and friends who love and support us, and the gospel of Jesus Christ including a loving Heavenly Father. Yep, there is no question I am richly, richly blessed!
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