That list is unbelievably long so how about we just go with a few that were just recently added to the list?
Keagan helping Riley say family prayers has got to be the sweetest thing my ears have ever heard! Keagan says a line and then Riley practically yells her best attempt at repeating. I have no doubt those prayers are heard loud and clear in heaven!
The girls and I have an on going discussion about how important it is to pick good friends and how unbelievably important it is to pick a good husband! The other day in the car, out of the blue, Keagan tells me she has to marry someone who "loves Heavenly Father, will go to the Temple, and loves ice cream!" She is so wise and that makes me happy!
Both girls have earned several Scottie Shout Outs at school this week! Riley was beyond thrilled with hers from Coach Fox!

We made a quick video singing happy birthday to Sami the other night and instead of calling her "Hermana Foster" Keagan sang "Harmonica Foster!!" I've chuckled about that all week!
Riley is getting so much help and practice with "her talker" or her iPad with Proloque on it at school! This is SO exciting! On Thursday she went around the school to tell several people, by pushing the correct buttons "my name is Riley Kikuchi!" I also got an awesome video from Mrs Brown showing Rikey playing a fun game on the computer actually using the mouse!
Keags is really good at cleaning up after herself and helping me clean up. That really comes in handy after an inside morning of toliet paper wrapping!

On Wednesday I had so much fun helping our principals pass out Sonic drinks to all our Magaffey family/staff to celebrate a mid week happy hour!
On days that I work (M/W/F) my favorite time is 3:00 when I go pick up Riley. She is usually SO happy to see me and runs as fast as she can to give me a hug! It about makes my hurt burst every time!
Reading in bed with Keagan after Riley is asleep is such a special time! I hate that there are too many nights that I skip it because I'm just too tired or grumpy! I'm workin on that!
We had a blast swimming at the Riesbergers today! I was amazed how much better swimmers both girls were after their summer sessions at FINS! We are hoping to start classes back up soon. Meanwhile, swimming with Sam, Betty and Miss Nikki is the best!
Riley has the most darling little dance friends this year and we absolutely love having Miss Taylor again!
We have successfully completed 3 weeks of school and Riley hasn't worn a swimsuit or leotard at all! On Thursday I did let her pick out her own outfit because she wanted to wear her swimsuit so bad. She ended up with black ruffle shorts with big gold polka dots, her Mahaffey shirt of course, a pink ruffle belt over her tShirt, a bright pink drool bib and grey winter gloves! Whatever works! Example of the shorts in a picture she wanted to take on another day...
Since its way past my bed time and I'm still up trying to wind down after that game, I am REALLY hoping tomorrow I can add the fact that we all got to sleep in to this list! Either way when I count my blessings my list is so incredibly long! And that is just another thing to be thankful for!
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