We got free tickets to the event and even got to go to the private meet and greet for Genevieve and DC from Choo Choo Soul! The stars were SO sweet with the girls who were totally star struck! Then we got to introduce them onstage after I briefly talked about TCH. It was so fun to say "did I just hear a choo choo train?" as the crowd screamed! Then we had a blast during the concert. I don't think Keagan stopped dancing for a single song! We all danced and sang along and really enjoyed the seriously perfect weather for some serious fun!
Afterwards there was so much to do! We ended up staying over five hours and still didn't do half the stuff! We made hats, rockets, and goo. We did a whole bunch of crafts and some science experiments. We went to the awesome petting zoo where we fed the goats, deer, donkey, pigs and kangaroo. And then we loved the instrument petting zoo too while we played the snare, cymbal, violin, trombone, trumpet and french horn! We chatted with Santa and were mesmerized by the Nutcracker and Sugar Plum Fairy. We went fishing for prizes, played some sports and rode the choo choo train. And then...we were exhausted!
Funniest thing happened too! When we were waiting in line for our lunch, a cute little girl recognized me. She said "hey you were on stage!" After talking to her for a minute she said "my grandma said you did a good job. And my grandpa said you were pretty but you really needed to lose weight!" Hahaha! That really made me laugh so hard so I had to include it.
Good times all around today! Now we are all going to sleep good!

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