Mind you it's not always, or often the make you laugh or even smile kind of entertaining. More often then not it's the oh my gosh stop whining before my head explodes or the wow I can't believe I just swept that much crap up in the kitchen kind of entertaining. Either way these were the entertaining highlights from the last couple of days...
Keagan, for reals asked the nurse at our doctors office if she drew on her eyebrows. I actually love that nurse, and yes she did.
Riley, for reals has been getting in trouble at school off and on for the last little while. She just doesn't want to sit down and do the whole little 30 minutes of her individual work. She will look her teacher right in the eyes and with a smile of course, swipe her work right off her desk onto the floor! She also refuses to sit in one spot during circle time. When the teacher and two aides aren't looking right at her she quickly scoots somewhere new.
Keagan, for reals cried today because she doesn't want to grow hair all over her body!
Riley, for reals is back to giggling in her sleep. Between that and the teeth grinding coming over the monitor, she is really contributing to my great nights of sleep!

Keagan, for reals played me big time on Monday by moaning and groaning about a tummy ache to stay home from school. I'm pretty sure it was all a plot to be able to eat Subway for lunch in her pajamas. At least she fairly patiently waited through my Relief Society Presidency meeting for over two hours before hand. In her pajamas.

I, for reals got a little girl in Keagan's class in big trouble yesterday because she was obsessed with all the millions of freckles on my arm! She refused to sit down and do her work that I was there to help them do, until she had counted them all! Meanwhile Keags and the rest of her class were making this darling Veterans Day project.

For reals, six year olds in scarfs is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. And yes 42 degrees is cold for Houston, TX today. And in case you were wondering, Riley was ecstatic to wear this coat and couldn't stop giggling! She loved it so much that when I tried to take it off of her to go into therapy she had quite the meltdown. Needless to say she wore this big coat for three hours of therapy and during dinner!

This, for reals was the most perfect little 30 minutes on a Sunday afternoon. Don't worry it ended with total catastrophe of the wagon running over Keagan's finger and scrapping the skin right off! For reals.

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