Keagan was a little nervous for her part but she did great! She said "Heavenly Father gave us agency. Which is the gift to choose for ourselves." And Riley waved and smiled as her teacher read her part "I can make good choices." Keags sang almost every word of "A Child's Prayer", "Families Can be Together Forever", "I Love to See the a Temple" and many more. Riley stood and smiled, waved at me and others who were waving back at her or sat on her teachers lap. The whole time I beamed at the combination of seeing my girls up there and feeling the sweet Spirit that those songs and the simple messages brought.

Keagan's drawing of a family was one of the programs!

The cutest little class!

They practiced yesterday and then got to have a little pizza party!

I am so thankful for Primary, the girl's leaders and teachers in it, and all that it is teaching my girls! It's a great village in the "it takes a village!" My only complaint is I wish the Primary Program was every Sunday!
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Precious girls. Loving mom.