Today both girls were home from school fighting, coughing and bored. Thankfully I'm pretty sure everyone is on the mend! Knock on wood and cross every part of your body possible. Or pray! That usually works much better.

We stifled the coughing enough to celebrate the beautiful Sami last night. We all three really love that girl! I am still in shock that this little niece of mine is 18! I'm so proud of her and all her different gifts and talents. I can't wait to see what her very bright future holds.

This is for reals just a sampling of Sa's treats at her house today. Why on earth is she so size XS and I'm so size XL? Well actually I'm sure we could figure that out, but seriously people! The amount of sugar in one house!

And finally, tonight was Open House at Brill, the girls school. Nana watched the girls (thank you! thank you!) so I could go. I got a ton of info which was great, but my very favorite part was seeing Keagans latest project. She was supposed to write one of her favorite things in general. And she chooses to write "I love my mommy!" I may have gotten a little teary. I am truly so blessed!!

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