Today Riley was SUPPOSED to have a 24 hour blood pressure monitor test done. I have been thinkin and prayin about it for days because they were going to hook her up today and then the cuff would take her blood pressure every 15 minutes for a 24 hour period. When you're talking about a 4 year old, it sounds like a recipe for disaster, doesn't it? Oh and I forgot to mention I am supposed to record what she's doing every 15 minutes for 24 hours. Good times.
So we got all geared up and the three of us made the HOUR long trip to Texas Children's. But when we got there things fell apart. We tried a whole gaggle of blood pressure cuffs on her but the only one that fit had a hole in it that two nurses were unable to fix. Plus they happened to mention on the sly that our insurance might not pay for this test and I could get a bill for $300-$800 dollars! Fantastic! Needless to say we left empty handed and will make the trip again after they order a new cuff and confirm our insurance will pay for it.
At that point it had been a rotten day towards the end of a rotten week! So I tried my best to salvage what I could for the girls. We went to play with the model train exhibit and I was surprised Keags had never seen the dancing cows at TCH.

Her questions were "so when are they going to start dancing?" And "which one is the daddy cow?" Then when I was pulling out of our parking space she said "mom I'm not finished buckling! You really need to learn how to take care of me!" Good to know.
Then I was desperate and/or crazy enough to agree to take them on the Herman Park train because they both love it so much! You know I might be a more fun mom if it wasn't a heat index of 109 outside! But we went and sweated through the 30 minutes. The sweat literally dripping off my face was worth these two sweet faces!

Come on Friday, please be good to us! We need it!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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