The real madness began around 5 am with a second seizure for my poor Riley girl. It was inevitably followed by tears which sparked Keagans grumbling. Riley was crying, Keagan was yelling "stop waking me up!! Stop crying!!" And I was stressed and worried and already exhausted from a night of about a whole one hour of sleep. Pure crazy!
After all that fun, Riley and I spent the morning and half the afternoon in the ER at TCH. I'm not sure if her chart has a big sign that says "frequent flyer" or what, but we get great care from good people there. We got a room fast, spoke to 3 different doctors and got back to imaging for a cat scan pretty fast too. Riley HATES having to lay flat and still for anything so the cat scan was supper dupper fun! They swaddled her with blankets and sheets, wrapped her head in towels and strapped everything down tight but her face in metal straps. I stayed with her and sang songs and patted while the massive machine did its magic. She SCREAMED and tried to wiggle any way out while I sang and dodged the moving machine. We were quite a sight I'm sure.

After the cat scan she was as happy as can be! I made a ride out of the ER bed that she thought was pretty fantastic. Then I was the happy one when the cat scan didn't show anything. They diagnosed her with a concussion and upped her Trileptal, her anti-seizure meds. Because it was obvious to them that this wasn't my first rodeo, we got to skip the 6 hour observation time! Thank heavens!
I am so relieved and so thankful tonight that we are all going to bed, in our own beds that is, and that it looks like we will all get a great nights sleep! Hopefully the crazy dial has been turned down a little for the night. But come morning, I can't make any promises! The possibilities are endless!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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