Last night I let my other baby hold smoking fireworks for hours on end with no consideration of the fact that she has asthma that was already stirring because of a cold! Then I wasn't watching close enough and she grabbed the spark of the sparkler and got a little burn on her thumb! Yep, I'm amazing! I just couldn't deny her because she was having SO much fun!

Because of the festivities, the girls were up WAY past their bed time. That translates of course into a long whiney day with no nap. Which led to a catastrophic meltdown for Keags tonight. It was ugly and I may or may not have made some not very loving threats coupled with a spank or two. All of which were witnessed by my 10 year old niece Addie as a bonus. Once I finally got her to lay her head on a pillow (45 mins later) she was literally out cold in 5 seconds. And I'm left feeling like the worst mom ever as Addie stares at me with big eyes!

But I did have one of the absolute best parent moments this past week. Thank heavens! I was in the Temple last Friday when I noticed a family with their son/grandson etc that was there for the first time. In our Mormon world this is a very big deal and something a mom works a lifetime to help their child achieve. Half way through I realized the young man had Cerebral Palsy like my Riley. As he struggled to participate, my heart swelled. Afterwards I approached the family to say congratulations and his mother and I had the most beautiful moment together which I will never forget. She hugged me tight and said with The Lord everything is possible for these very special spirits that have been trusted to us! I've never heard anything that rang more true.
Being a parent isn't for sissies! It's a good thing I ain't no sissy! But I do mess it up way more then I would like to. After a day of highs and lows I find myself each night on my knees pleading with The Lord to help me do better tomorrow! To forgive me of my mistakes, to help the girls forgive me and to be my partner in the noblest calling on earth! It's a good thing tomorrow is a new day! Wish me luck!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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