Today the girls had their very first swim lesson. My friend Courtney from junior high (we go way back) has this amazing organization called Safe Swim Houston. They provide free swimming lessons to special needs children! So cool right? So both girls had their first lesson today in the amazing Melanie's gorgeous pool. They did great and Courtney is such a cute teacher with both girls! I'm excited to see them progress this summer! They had spent the morning at VBS (its own blog post soon) so after lessons and a good while having an absolute blast swimming with Melanie, they conked in the car. There is something I just love about my sleeping girls in a quiet peaceful car.

Miss Riley should be tired after workin so hard lately! One of her huge steps is that on Saturday she held her own bottle for the first time! Yes I know she's 4.5 and still gets a bottle. It's the only way she will take her medicine is if its quickly followed by a ba bas. And if she didn't, then she wouldn't be getting enough liquids in the day. But she's had one for 4.5 years and has never been interested in holding it herself until Saturday when she just picked it right up and drank it! This is huge and so exciting! Wahoo!

She also has started saying family prayers! When we knelt together as a family the other night like we always do, she let me know it was her turn to say the prayer! I helped her by whispering what to say, and with each prompt she vocalized her own prayer. She even gave a great big vocal output for an "amen!" It was the cutest! She did it again tonight and I'm positive the Lord hears her prayers crystal clear!
Keagan has also done a great job at saying prayers for quite a while now. Im so proud of her! Sometimes I find it funny to hear what she will pray for like "please help us to eat all our vegetables" and "please help Riley not to kick me!"

Oh how I just adore these two little people! They sure do keep life entertaining. It's so cliche to say, but I really don't know what I would do without em!

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