After Riley's regular two hours of therapy this morning we had lunch and then I took the three little Picasso's to get their paint on.

While our Masterpieces dried...

Then it was time to bust out the Pintrest pins. Ladies and gentlemen I give you Elephant Toothpaste Science Experiment...

Somewhat of a dud. Addie was not too impressed but the babies (am I really still allowed to call them that) loved playing in it.
And then we made Cloud Dough. It's 8 cups of flour, 1 cup of oil and definitely kid approved. Mix it together and scoop, form, sprinkle, splatter and of course spill. It was a success. Just a VERY messy success.

Our last project was to make dinner. Addie took one bite and loudly proclaimed it was the most disgusting thing she had ever put in her mouth! Which of course made Keagan, who has eaten the same dinner happily 3 times, say she hated it. They both ended up with plain rice for dinner.
Hey you can't win em all! I know how to take what I can get! And after such a busy day the girls are out cold at 6:50 pm! Now that is definitely somethin I can take!
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