After a long ER visit on Sunday and a doctors visit today, both requiring way too thorough of exams, it appears I have had two ovarian cysts rupture. One of the cysts was almost the size of a baseball! This isn't something totally new because I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, but it has never been this bad! I have just been laid up in bed sleeping, whining, sleeping, crying and staying on top of taking all my pain medicine. Oh and sleeping. Hopefully in another day or two I will be back to my rockin self.
But until then I am beyond thankful for all the help I am getting! Nana, Sa and Taryn have completely taken over with the girls and I cant thank them enough! Plus I can't leave out my three most darling helpers, Kellie, Hudson and Reagan. And a huge thank you to Kirk for the Priesthood blessing.
And last but not least I have to thank the drugs! In the last three days I've had a crack addicts portion of pain killers. But it was very much needed to at least take the edge off the horrible and exhausting pain that wraps around my side and down my leg into my foot! Good times!

Meanwhile the girls are havin a great ole time and don't really notice I'm even gone. But the other morning I was laying on the carpet crying when Riley scooted over and tried to stick her finger in my ear because that is what calms her down when she cries. Sweet girl!
I'm really prayin for a smooth night where I actually get some sleep and that I don't want to die every time I roll over! But I'll take whatever I can get! No matter how it goes, Ive decided I'm packin up my old friends bags and given him a grand farewell.
Don't come back now, ya hear!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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