There is safety and power in obedience.
We need to have a return to virtue.
Believing is enough. The Lord will help with the rest.
Our families are under attack and we can not underestimate the evil intent and intensity of Satan.
The Savior is the light. And the darkness will never be so dark that the light can't penetrate.
Be careful in the words you say to your children and that they lift and encourage.
Take time to unplug from technology.
There is nothing like the prayers of a righteous mother.
Priesthood power and procreative powers both need a man and a woman to be complete.
When you seek the approval of your Heavenly Father you are blessed with deep peace.
Miracles still happen.
Like a tomato plant we have so much potential as children of God. But we have to have the light and the living water of Jesus Christ to reach that potential.
Be good citizens, good neighbors, good friends.
Follow the example of Jesus Christ.
You don't have to be perfect to receive help, love and forgiveness.
God requires a broken heart and a contrite spirit.
Have tolerance and love but don't sacrifice your standards.
Service is seeing the potential in others and helping them achieve it.
The most significant title of Jesus Christ is the Redeemer.
We may be facing hard times but we have cause for hope and to rejoice.
The night is always darkest before dawn.
Love as the Savior loved.
And I'm sure there are so much more! But my cup is full. Laying around in your pjs all day listening to the word of The Lord can be surprisingly exhausting. It's just all those fantastic messages! I'm so thankful!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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