
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Remote Control of Life

Lately I have caught brief glances of the girls and they look so old to me. Not a cane and eat at a cafeteria old but ready to go to school and not be with mommy every second of everyday old!

When Keagan started pretending she was going to school today it made me run to the calendar and count how many more weeks until I send her off into the lone and dreary world all by herself- otherwise known as Preschool. It's only 9 weeks! And Riley's big send off is only 6 weeks after that!

They are just growing up WAY too fast! The time seems to be just on fast forward somehow and I wish I had control of the remote! There is definitely some things like tantrums and doctors appointments that I would fast forward right through! But there is also many times I would use the slow motion and pause button! It's just amazing that once they start school there is no turning back! I know they are ready and will love it, but I don't think I am ready! I better find that remote control in the next 9 weeks!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:St Emilion Ct,Spring,United States


  1. I hear you! Time is just too fast. Your girls are so dang cute. You are an amazing mommy! Miss you.
