Last Wednesday Keags pulled out one of her front teeth at school! Sweet Mrs Rothermel sent me a pic and I was so surprised. It hadn't even been on my radar because it wasnt that lose!
Then when I was getting ready for work the very next morning she came in with the other front tooth in hand! Now all she wants for summer is her two front teeth!
She looks so stinkin cute and so stinkin old that I can't stand it! That night after she got out of the bath she said "mom don't you think I am a little too old for panties with characters on them? Can you buy me some plain colored panties?" I then immediately commanded her to put on the Elsa panties and not bring this up again until she is 16!! Too old!
Riley had a big cardiology appointment last Friday. She did incredibly well! She was almost even happy to have an ECHO and an EKG done! She is such a warrior!! And she continues to amaze me as she smiles thru it all! 

That night I actually went to a girls night out! Taryn already couldn't join us so she kept the girls. Nikki organized a really fun paint night and we all had a blast! Not to mention we all walked away with surprisingly decent paintings!

Last night we had Reagan for a little girl time. Us four girls went to Chill the milkshake bar after dinner. Just at dinner with Sa and Todd we talked about how amazing it would be if Riley could drink thru a straw. Well apparently a milkshake is a really good motivator because for the very first time EVER Riley sucked thru a straw!!!! This is SO huge!! We have literally been working on this in both speech therapy and occupational therapy on and off for FOUR YEARS!! And yesterday she just did it at Chill without me even paying much attention!! I may have cried! This girl of mine is a rockstar!! I'm not sure it will translate immediately to liquids because the milkshake stayed in the straw, but it's a fantastic start!! 

Today Keagan did a load of laundry for the first time! Oh an she also did this! I'm raisin them right!!
This week was a L O N G week at work and busy craziness at home! Working, mommying, and doing my calling as 1st counselor in the Relief Society (women's ministry) can all be very challenging. I've pretty much just admitted to myself that as school winds down its going to just be crazy with a capital K! Two more weeks. We can do it! With Memorial Day coming that only means 9 more days of school! Until then I'm sure we will go BIG or go home like we have been doing here lately. I guess right now there is really no other way for a Kikuchi girl! Hopefully momma Kikuchi survives to document it.
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