I obviously haven't been blogging lately. I have no particular reason for my hiatus. It just kind of happened. Obviously, there has been lots of Kikuchi girls happenings since I last blogged but I'm not sure I even remember it all. This is the exact reason why I do this blog is because I forget everything! Fortunately, I still took some pictures so that sure helps!
When we can, we have been going to the school playground after school to meet up with several of our friends from school/church and play/chat. With beautiful weather we all enjoy this!
Keags has one of the most incredible teachers in Mrs Evans! We are so blessed to have her! She even rewards this cute class with ice cream parties when they earn enough brownie points!
And she has incredible ways of teaching! Here is Keags performing her puppet show of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." 

We've had great family home evenings lately! One about loving one another and one about having faith and courage like Daniel when he faced Goliath!
Probably the biggest news was my sweet Riley tested positive for Influenza B last week! Thankfully we caught it really early and she had the flu shot so it was a mild case. But then I got strep as well which means I missed an entire week of work! Not my plan at all and I was not happy about it one bit! 

One of the days Riley was sick we went to watch Keagan's after school golf lesson with 5 other Brill Broncos! My little golfer is doing great! She's a natural and Riley is a natural fan!
Keagan has been coming home with love notes from boys lately! Yikes! Even if it is February I really don't like seeing this!
My kids still haven't figured out that I am not a good cook! Probably because I can still use a crock pot. But maybe I should tell Keagan not to lick the cutting board clean? 
We've now passed 100 days of 1st grade! And on the 101st day we dressed up like 101 Dalmatians!

I was very strongly coerced into taking these bath pics the other night and just can't stop smiling at how adorable my babies are!! Maybe that's why i haven't blogged, because I'm just too stunned by my adorable and amazing kids! Let's go with that. But hopefully now I'm caught up and back on track!
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