Friday was jumping our little hearts out at Sky High. Oh and we all learned a good lesson there. I had a little run in with an ignorant employee. He said since Riley can't walk or stand on her own that she couldn't be there at all. I feel like I handled it well by educating him, talking to his manager and making sure Riley had a great time. But then last night I dreamt that I beat the crap out of him with a baseball bat!! So the lesson is, don't mess with my babies!

Then last night we dyed Easter eggs. It was a ginormous mess but a fun tradition never to be missed. We only did a mere 7 dozen eggs, half the old school way and half the Pinterest way. Not surprisingly the messiest one was Riley!

We ended the cousin festivities this morning with a giant sized cousin Easter egg hunt! Apparently the Easter Bunny dropped off 180 eggs last night for the search, and he was feelin generous!

The good news is our Colorado Ginn cousins are soon dropping that first part and becoming our Houston Ginn cousins! That means 6 out of our 10 cousins will be here! More good times ahead.
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