Since daylight savings on Sunday, my gorgeous little Riley has been killin me! Every morning she has been up for the day by at least 5am! And several days she has woken up in the 4s!! I have begged and pleaded for her to go back to bed but she just smiles at me trying to charm me into playing with her. Or she cries hysterically if I don't give in. No fair! And no fun! We had a serious come to Jesus talk tonight that I'm hoping sunk in. I never thought I would be praying (literally) to be able to wake up at 6 am!
I had her parent teacher conference on Tuesday. Miss Benanti sat and told me how much everyone absolutely adores Riley while Miss Krammer sat and covered Riley with hugs and kisses and let her play on the computer and put the head phones on. They said that Riley is doing really well and can actually do some things like identify her colors and sort shapes that some of the verbal kids can't do. And she's teaching all of her little friends about social skills as she's the most advanced in that area!

My sweet smart girl is just amazing! Now if I could just get her to sleep in then she just might be perfect!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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