It is so easy for me to get wrapped up in my To Dos. Once I get goin on a list, I don't want to stop. I have caught myself recently passing up more important things because the items on my To Do list are beckoning. As Keagan asks me to "huggle" her or Riley wants me to play with her, I find myself saying "just a minute" when I should be jumping at the chance to cherish my babies. I too often let the to dos win my attention and my time. It's not my intentions to show my priorities are backwards, but its so easy for me to let it happen.
I recently had a great lesson learned at Time Out For Women. I learned something that Im sure all the better moms out there have known for a very long time. I'm always striving to be more like my Savior and one of the speakers brought to my attention that Jesus Christ served, and blessed and healed... AS HE WENT.
It was while walking somewhere else, while doing something on His perfect of all to do lists, that he healed the sick and the blind, that he was called to raise a girl from the dead and made a woman whole in my favorite Bible story. His disciples and all He met were His priority. And He served He went.
From Him I can learn that I don't have to pick between service and my to do list. It's not one or the other here. I can serve as I go, just as the Savior of the world did. I can still get my little checks done while huggeling my Keagan in between chores, playing with Riley while the laundry waits and even fit in checking on a friend, doubling dinner for a family in need and smiling and complimenting those I can. It certainly can be done!
This week I resolve to remember that checks on my to do list are just fine. But it's accumulating the greater checks in heaven that will bring me the greater satisfaction!

Monday I was able to get in alot of little checks while running errands with my darling Keagan. But as we went we sang songs, had a dance party in the car and I got several chances to tell her how great she is and how much I love her. Now those are good checks!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
i love this post. you're so right. that was a great comparison to how the Savior lived and served "on his way" to checking off what he needed to do. You are awesome. thanks for the upliftment I needed today.