Visiting Gamas at her school

Who knew that fake Cinderella finger nails could go on your toesies too! These girls both love the cheesy press on nails.

Miss Riley was actually naughty at school one day! When I went to pick her up Miss Benanti was so sad she had to give Riley a frowny face for part of the day. Apparently during circle time Riley purposely turned around in her chair and would not look at anyone. Not only did she refuse to participate but she also was laughing the entire time. When her and I chatted about it she knew exactly what she had done! It was hilarious but I'm glad it hasn't happened again.

We are REALLY ready for the colder weather! I guess I should say cooler instead of colder. This is Houston we're talking about. One morning the girls begged to wear their jackets to school. When I took this picture at 9am I think it was already 80 degrees! But this week it's starting to get a little better. Hopefully we can rock these cute jackets a whole lot more soon!

Miss Keagan helping me get gas and doin her thing!

And finally there is no better medicine then may babies laughs! I cherish the times they play so nicely together and their laughter fills the house...and my soul! Just like it did tonight!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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