I love serving in the Young Women's program in our ward! What a blessing to get to know some really incredible girls! On Wednesday I had a "P Party" at our house. The purpose was to get the girls focused on their Personal Progress goals that they are working on. But the fun was in the P's too! We all dressed up with as many things starting with P as possible. The girls were so creative and hilarious and had tons of points! The winner was at 67 things starting with P! We also had all P snacks. Pretzels, potato chips, popcorn, peanut m&m, peanut butter cups and pickles! Such a fun night and Keagan and Riley just loved hanging out with all the big girls and the laughter and energy that filled the house!

The following morning, Keagan was still really into the whole P thing since there were a ton of them still hanging all over the house! So pink pancakes for breakfast was the only option.

It's back to normal summer days. So of course that means Kellie lives here half the time, if not more. We have been very busy finding fun things to do while not drowning in the rain and flooding all week.

I think we've managed!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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