All three of us have cycled thru a little winter cold and Riley of course gets hits the worst and the hardest. What I thought was behind us after coming home from school with a fever on Wednesday and having her fever break after a long day of cuddling and Paw Patrol for the two of us on Thursday, sparked her asthma on Saturday. The wonderful Dr Reed got us more medications that we needed, Coach and Brother Allred are so amazing and came over to give her a blessing Saturday night and we have done LOTS of breathing treatments around the clock. But unfortunately that couldn’t keep us out of the ER despite our best efforts so we spent a chunk of our Sunday there getting a little more help for those lungs. And wouldn’t you know it that amazing girl Riley still smiles even when she can’t breathe and is laying in the emergency room! She never ceases to amaze me and inspire me with her example of choosing joy in the midst of storms! No wonder I look on the bright side!
That dumb asthma made Riley and I miss out on our exciting plans to go to Disney on Ice with a bunch of Mahaffey friends. Thankfully, the amazing Lakes took our tickets and our Keagan to go and she still had an awesome time. I had given her money for food and she used it instead to buy Riley a souvenir! Such a sweet, sweet sister! And she asked Miss Tina to record several parts that she thought Riley would like best! Hearing that was like a parent pay check and totally fueled me for the rest of the long weekend! And yes Riley LOVED the Anna and Elsa cup!
I’m thinking we’ve just had too much fun lately and it totally caught up with us. All the fun started not this past weekend but last weekend. On Friday night I finally came thru on a 3 year promise to the girls that we would go to a Klein Football game. We took Gramas with us and had a really great time! The game itself was not pretty but we got to sit with Mrs Laura and Riley’s favorite Maddox, the girls loved all the festivities between the game and the half time and I got to reminisce about the good old days.
And last Saturday night was SUPER fun and remarkable! My two alma maters came together and the BYU collegiate women’s acapella group Noteworthy came to Klein for a one night performance! We made it a really fun girls night with Avery, Reagan and Miss Taryn and started out with dinner at Chuys. Then we got great balcony seats at the concert and all sat in complete awe of those incredibly talented ladies for the entire performance that we all LOVED! After the show the girls used their own money to buy posters and got in the long line to get the Noteworthy women’s autograph. I guess it was a blessing that we were all the way at the end because we had a little more time with the stars! When the brave Keagan got to Meg the beat boxer she confidently beat boxed for her! It was awesome and Meg was so sweet and stopped to make the rest of the group listen to Keags! It was so cute and made Keagan feel like a million bucks! Meg also asked me to text her the picture I took of the two of them and the picture I ended up getting of both girls with the whole group! Later that night I saw the girls picture posted on the official Noteworthy Instagram and the next day Meg posted about Keagan on her personal page! What a sweet and memorable experience! Keagan thinks maybe she could be a member of Noteworthy one day!
I even got to introduce the girls to the infamous stuffed Bearkat that Pakka helped get for Klein!
And all the fun just continued this past week! On Wednesday we had our first Culture for Caring meeting which is a kindness club at school! We’ve all 3 been looking forward to that. And Friday was definitely a big day at Mahaffey! Friday morning we had our annual Veterans Day program. As a part of student council Keagan was in the library for the honoring Vetetans breakfast and then she helped escort them to the cafeteria for the program where she was excited to sit on stage. And both her and Riley sang two really beautiful songs “Freedom Ring” and “What Do You Say to a Hero?” as part of the awesome Scottie Choir. It was their first choir performance and it was great! And then Keagan helped lead the Veterans parade around the school.
And Friday night was our annual Scottie Social which is a carnival and silent auction as a big PTO fundraiser event. Despite the cold weather we had a great time! Keagan actually loved working her shift for StuCo selling drinks and did extra time plus her, Lauren and Audrey just hopped in and ran the popcorn station when no one else was! I made my cake walk shift a little more fun by awarding a lot more winners then usual and our other favorite thing was our awesome principals and Nurse Hudson who willingly sat on the dunk tank despite the temps!
Saturday morning Riley stayed in her nice warm bed with Nana while Keagan and I were up bright and early to volunteer at this years 5k/10k that Kirk and Kari put on. Once again Keagan handed out medals at the finish line and I directed traffic in my snazzy reflector vest and hard hat! This year there were frozen turkeys along the course and I just had to grab a selfie with the dinosaur who was running with two of them! Cold but fun morning!
Afterwards we picked up Riley and headed to support Hudson at his Eagle Scout project Health Fair and blood drive! We were there for a little while but when Riley threw up and when her asthma struggles really started we obviously had to come home. That’s when the real fun of steroids and breathing treatments every 3 hours began! Good times! Before the ER yesterday we cuddled and watched movies all day so that definitely wasn’t all bad! And for now it’s back to cuddles, Paw Patrol and breathing treatments today. This too shall pass soon and we will be back to having too much fun in no time I’m sure!
Meanwhile please enjoy hilarious pictures of Keagan having fun doing a simple chore of bringing in the garbage cans. She hates touching them so much that she wears medical gloves and even secured them with rubber bands! See? Too much fun indeed!
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