Love this girl right here, my partner at work, Chantel Krenek!

They came with me to school bright and early yesterday morning to decorate the workroom for Chantel's birthday. The plan was to take them to Sa's house at 8 but they just ended up staying because they were awesome helpers! They worked together to cut yarn for Mrs Thompson, sharpened a serious amount of pencils for different teachers and then helped deliver books and manipulatives all over the school. That may have been their highlight of the whole week!

I taught a technology break out session on Monday about blogging which was fun and we worked our hineys off the rest of the week. The girls hung out with Sami in the mornings and then went to either the French's or one day the Blacks in the afternoons. The girls had fun but they are definitely happy to be home today! Sami took them shopping one day and they played a lot of checkers and iPads. Reagan did super fun chalk art with them and the girls finally broke in the craft drawer Miss Taryn set up for them at her house. Reagan also played board games with them and hide and seek! It should be recorded that Riley is the abosolute worst hide and seek player there ever was because she can not stop laughing!!
They came with me to school bright and early yesterday morning to decorate the workroom for Chantel's birthday. The plan was to take them to Sa's house at 8 but they just ended up staying because they were awesome helpers! They worked together to cut yarn for Mrs Thompson, sharpened a serious amount of pencils for different teachers and then helped deliver books and manipulatives all over the school. That may have been their highlight of the whole week!
After a long week we ended up helping Miss Taryn with lula stuff last night because I of course always want to support my bestie and I was so thankful she was willing to babysat for free! We left her house at 8:30, I had been up since 6 after 3.5 hours of sleep and working on my feet all day! I was painfully exhausted and we still hadn't eaten dinner! I drove thru McDonalds and was trying to stay awake as we waited for our food. When we got home Keagan said "mommy just put Riley in her high chair and I will feed her." I barely finished a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before I collapsed in a chair. My sweet, sweet Keagan not only helped Riley eat but she also loaded the dishwasher, cleaned out the sink, wiped down the counter and threw everything away and I didn't even realize she was doing it til she was done! I was so amazed and SO thankful for her kind service to her tired momma!
Everything combined shows me we are going to have such a wonderful school year! I feel SO blessed to be where we are with so many outstanding people around us! Today the girls picked out their first day outfits, I did tons of laundry and filled their drawers and their new back packs their dad bought them are packed! Right now they are playing with their friend Lauren and of course they are all teachers at none other then Mahaffey.
I think we are ready! Third grade here we come!
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