This is something I have put off for far too long. For some reason I had it in my head that her dad needed to teach her this, which is extremely unlike me to think! But we couldn't put it off any longer. The other night we took off the training wheels and tried a couple of times on the grass in the front yard, but that wasn't a good move. Plus her old helmet didn't fit and she was begging for knee pads. We were going to try riding last night but got home too late. So today after church and lunch was it!
I ran beside her up and down the driveway at first. When she was a little more comfortable we moved to the street, all the while with Riley cheering her on. Keagan is super coordinated and capable so if it weren't for her anxious personality she would have had it in the first five minutes. But she was scared, and I get it. So every time I let go, she stopped pedaling and took a hard left turn to jump off her bike. We must have done that for 30 minutes. I was literally praying to stay patient and encouraging! But I was SO proud of her because every time she got right back up and right back on the bike. I must have said a million times "just keep pedaling!!"
After a water break she got back on and she rode a little ways! But then she fell hard, and out came the tears. At first it was tears that the fall hurt. But then she said "this is HARD mommy!" I said of course it was hard but that we can do hard things! I reminded her that we do hard things every day and that Heavenly Father helps us do it! And then she said "I can either be scared, or I can ride my bike!" I agreed and marveled at her wise insight and then she got back on! Wouldn't you know it, 3 tries later she was riding like a pro and I was cheering my head off and making a fool of myself in the middle of the street!
I am so proud of Keagan today and inspired by her example! She got back on the bike every time she fell. She did something hard instead of giving up. And She recognized her fear and fought it in order to achieve something better! She just kept pedaling!
All geared up! She took the elbow pads off right away and Miss Riley scooped them right up! If you were wondering, yes Riley is currently sleeping in them!!

Now that Spring Break is over, when we go back to school/work tomorrow and face life and all it's challenges, I hope I can follow the example of my sweet Keagan girl. As I'm sure my Heavenly Father cheers me on in the background I have to just keep pedaling!
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