Like always, the Kikuchi girls have been busy! We have been on the move...
Practicing tennis

Working super hard at school including Riley impersonating the cutest Thomas Jefferson ever!

Catching up with our beloved Miss Evans!

Completing Keagan's monthly family STEM project- something that floats

Devouring our souvenir treats from the French's east cost trip! Our favorite- HUGE gummy colas from Dylan's!

Getting Girls Day gifts from Grandma Debbie and from Jiji and Auntie Nene! Thank you!
Hangin with friends and fam of course including watching Addie work her organization magic on our pantry!

Shopping at Hobby Lobby where the children wore mommy down and got out of there with their new prized processions!

Meeting Lester the gorgeous and huge Clydesdale!

Getting Girls Day gifts from Grandma Debbie and from Jiji and Auntie Nene! Thank you!

Hangin with friends and fam of course including watching Addie work her organization magic on our pantry!

Shopping at Hobby Lobby where the children wore mommy down and got out of there with their new prized processions!

Dressing up for and participating in friendship week and the friendship walk at school!

And many, many more not pictured including mommy's new calling as the secretary of the Relief Society or women's ministry at church.
So along with all of that we have literally been on the move! And we have proof! Apparently the cool thing at school is to have a Fitbit. Keags has been begging for one but I wasn't interested in shelling out the money. After I found an amazing deal on them, I was happy to see she was still motivated for it and worked very hard earning the money for it! I was really proud of her for raising $60.00 working for me, Nana and even Sa! Riley also earned some money so she could get one when her sister did. And they LOVE them!
On a Fitbit the goal is always to get 10,000 steps in a day. The first day Riley wore hers happened to be a long Friday that started with running club and she got almost 20,000 Steps with her little legs! And the Friday that we ran that race Keagan ended the day with 24,000 steps! See? We've definitely been busy!!

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