And then just like that they woke up as SIX year olds! How did that happen? I'm still in shock!

To my two precious girls...
My wishes for you this year...
I know six is going to be a wonderful year for you! I know you are going to learn so much this year and fly higher then you ever have before! You are one incredible girl and I am so lucky to be your mom! Please continue to be the strong leader, good example, absolutely hilarious and smart girl that you are! Keep the one liners coming and whatever you do please don't stop saying "pueter" (computer), "kachews" (cashews), "alleygator" (elevator) and many more. I'm so proud of you for continuing to be an incredible sister and a huge helper to me! I will always be here to listen to your stories and questions, to kiss you WAY more then you would like and scratch your back. I love you with all my heart sweet pea! Happy Birthday!
In the last year you have accomplished so much! I can't wait to see what surprises you have for us this year! No matter what it is I'm sure I will be proud of your hard work and strength! You continue to amaze me and teach me so much everyday! I'm so blessed to be your mom and to be able to cover your face with kisses whenever I want! Thank you for the perspective you have helped me discover! Please continue to be a source of joy and light to all who meet you. Never lose that famous smile and drive to keep up with your sister and all the other kids! I will always be here to be your number one cheerleader, biggest advocate, and favorite snuggling partner! I love you with all my heart angel! Happy Birthday!
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